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Need Some Fixing?

Well you're in the right place, CTK also has Repair service category, aside from offering our range of spare parts. In this post, we are going to give you all the 101 on CTK's repair services. Read it through below 👇

Let's Fix It with CTK!

There are 2 ways to approach repair with CTK, our standard process or an exchange optionBefore we go to the different processes, we need to make sure that the components are indeed repairable. 

So when you purchased service, write to us to introduce the issue of the broken components a little bit, for example what was the alarm code, and send its picture to us, so we can determine if it's repairable or unrepairable. 

Some examples of the unrepairable components:

Standard Process

Alright, now, let's start with the standard process first! This process has a lead time of 25 days, and all shipping charges throughout are covered by us. 

The steps of the standard process are:

Exchange Option

Another option we also have is the exchange option, which may be quicker, but can be done ONLY IF it satisfies two conditions:

  • Your broken component is reviewed by us and confirmed to be repairable (i.e. not excessively corroded and burnt, or have cracked/broken PCB board), AND
  • We have the repaired component in stock.

If these two conditions are met, we can ship the repaired parts we have in stock straight away, even before we received your damaged components. 

So the steps for this are:

Want to check which components we can repair for you? 

Check them out in our webshop 

If you have any questions on these repair service, send a mail to our friendly team at who will be happy to help you out.

A Little about our Extended Life category

In our webshop we also have Extended Life category where we sell used, repaired or refurbished components with no core return needed. 

However we've been struggling to maintain the no return needed policy for this, as the demand is higher than the supply. So lately we've been directing the repair approach instead, which now you're familiar with!

Well, we hope it was fun for you to get to know our repair service, and we'll see you in the next post!

Need Some Fixing?
CTK Refrigerations March 13, 2025
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